
Wednesday, November 2, 2011


This past week has been the loveliest yet in Estes! Last Wednesday, we had our first big snow! I have heard mixed snow reports but in the ballpark of 15-18 inches. The snow was heavy so it blanketed the trees and everything else! Wednesday was also my first official day of work as an RN, on the floor! It was super hectic and crazy but I survived. I have had several shifts since then and truly enjoy these old people. They say the silliest things! 

Thats pretty much all that has happened since last time. Except I did forget about halloween! In Estes Park, Halloween is a big deal. Kids don't trick-or-treat in neighborhoods or even go to houses. They shut down the main road in Estes and all businesses open their doors starting at 5pm. They give away things like candy apples and handfuls of candy. The best part is all ages participate! Everyone is dressed up! I didn't celebrate too much on Monday night since I had to work the next day but I did make an appearance ( I just wore my scrubs since I came from work and kev wore a real, carved-out pumpkin on his head). I will have to find pictures cause that was hilarious. We did go out on Saturday to a local bar that was having a Halloween party and it was loads of fun but no pictures from that one. My camera battery has been dying for a week and I can't find the charger!! 

Other things I just remembered:

-Kevin and I purchased Epic local ski season passes with unlimited riding at Breckenridge, Keystone and Arapahoe Basin with limited restrictions at Heavenly and Northstar. We also get ten days at Vail or beaver Creek.
-In perfect timing, Kevin also surprised me with a snowboard!!! We had been talking for a few weeks about me needing a board and one day, a huge package comes in the mail. Such a nice husband!
- Trivia night is going great! Kevin has been running Trivia night on thursdays and people have been going!! YAY!! 
- Friends have been coming over to play cards! We have so many new games to teach you all so come visit!! 
- I have been baking like crazy: banana bread, pumpkin/chocolate chip muffins, pumpkin shaped sugar cookies! I can't stop! Of course, I always give everything I make away. I don't want it in the house cause I know I will eat it!! I enjoy watching other people eat it!! 

Going on the second night of snow! We didn't even bother moving Kevs car.

little cabin in the woods. All warm and cozy.

I do live here.

Kev chopped all this wood and there is still more to split! It's kinda like home on the prairie or something!
Manual labor. 

wood awaiting its fate.

listening for nearby animals

I finally decided to use Kevs car.

outside our front window!

Everyone have a good week! I forgot to mention, we are finally getting internet at our house!! YAY! No more going to the library at weird hours! And in honor of this special event, I am going to start taking pictures of the homestead. Starting first with the kitchen!! Get excited folks!

Also, I can hardly believe Kim Kar is getting a divorce. What is the world coming to? 

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