
Sunday, January 20, 2013

My Husband. Back at school

drumroll please.

The husband, oka (otherwise known as) Kevin Pula is going back to school and when I say school, I mean he's is taking a graduate class!! Wahoo people isn't this news so exciting!

I don't know why I get to thrilled about him going back to school. Maybe because he gets to go to a big university (unlike Anderson University which was a small, christian school). Maybe because it's one step closer towards him discovering his wants in a career. Maybe it's because I get to come down here with him (on some days) and act like I am a student.

I cannot tell a lie. I love school. I am jealous. I want to study. I want to walk around on a beautiful campus and learn. Did I mention this school is in Boulder? So the view of the mountains isn't too shabby either.

Anyways. I thought I would inform the world. He is taking an environmental econmonis course to test out the waters. FYI

And we are busy house sitting on a farm. We are lucky kids for sure! But have no internet.. Holy cow it's difficult to live without it!

I tried to convince him to turn around and smile but he said no thanks. Big Kid!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Christmas 2012 and before.

Wow everyone. I really left you all there for a while. We've been busy. I've been picking up extra shifts at work or researching things online. Any computer time I had went to that. Since December 19, a lot has happened! I've been wanting to share. So sorry. 

We did end up going to Hidden Valley(backcountry style) and I'm embarrassed to say that I seriously stunk at snowboarding. Imagine two feet of fresh pow and a beginner snowboarder who's used to groomed runs. It was so cold my camera wouldn't even work. Sure, a little powder is awesome but two feet. I was miserable and then to add to that embarrassment, I was sick for the next four days! And of course, those next days I was scheduled to work so I missed a lot of work too. BOO. But luckily, I was healthy just in time for Christmas eve! 

We celebrated Christmas Eve at our dear friends, the Bangs. We had the most fun white elephant exchange ever! I made a pumpkin pie and kev made brushetta. Nom Nom. And of course, if you know me, I brought a veggie tray. Side note. I always bring veggie trays because I know the type of food they have at these events. Delicious JUNK! So I like to reassure myself that there will be healthy options there. Plus, I get to eat all the left over veggies for the next week. Win Win. All I am saying is don't be surprised if I always bring a veggie tray to a party. 

So where were we? Oh yes. Christmas Eve was spent at the Bangs cozy home. We had hot chocolate and Bailys, a warm fire and snow dumping outside. It was beautiful. Last christmas was our first Christmas in Estes but we stayed in since I had to work on Christmas Day. Not this year folks! I had off  the 3 days around Christmas and New Years off! WOW. I have no pictures from Christmas Eve except this one. Carlie Bangs gifted it to us. It was from our Longs Peak adventure and I think it's my new favorite. It reminds me of us. Simply put. 

Christmas Day was wonderful. We woke up and played with our pups. We went outside to see the bountiful snow and decided snowshoeing was a must. Plus, we gifted each other with fancy snowshoes for Christmas! We went up to Little Valley which is this beautiful neighborhood full of unique houses on the mountain side and it was there I decided why live anywhere else in Estes Park except this neighborhood. If you drive up and up to the very top, there is a forest service road with amazing views and the perfect place to bring your dogs! We snowshoed around but mainly just encouraged the dogs to run. They are so fun in the snow. Especially when Neela is nearly as tall as the snow is deep. After playing we went home and prepared a roast and then off to the Hobbit. Couldn't have asked for a better day. 

[Warning... Lots of snowshoeing pictures ahead]

Driving up the road to our destination. 
see what I mean. nice view and remember, this is from the camera.
husband. and dog.
Neela is such a chunk. 

serious sibling love-playing-what is going on here?  
action shot. 

action shot. 

MSR's are the bomb. 

SubaruLOVE. Best Car ever! 


All in all, Chritsmas 2012 was a success! We got to see our families and some friends. We kept it simple but sweet. It is such a wonderful life.