
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

All you need is love

Well folks, we made it! It's that magical 1st year anniversary (July 23, 2011)! yup, we've been married one whole year and still love each other. I have so much love for this man, sometimes I think my heart might burst. Our first year had the potential to be really rough and rocky- new state, new job, new husband but it wasn't. July to July has actually been my best year to date! That's just a testament to how great of a man I have. We breezed through with minor trails and still get giddy to see each other at the end of each day! 

You fill my heart with so much joy and happiness. Thanks for making my life so wonderful. I couldn't ask for a better man. I guess rain on a wedding day is good luck. Throw in a little Camp Tecumseh and it's almost fool proof. Here's to many years to come by your side my dear. -Meg

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lake City Colorado

Some of you might know, I have a home away from home. Somehow, this lovely home in Lake City, Colorado came across my parents feet and they snatched it up ASAP. If you have ever been, you can see why they just couldn't let it go. Eight years later, lots of people have rented it out through the local realty company and enjoyed every minute. It's by far the most beautiful place I have ever been to in Colorado and I've been a lot of places.

We met several of Kevins old high school friends down there. After all these years, he has some truly awesome friends. Lucky duck. We spent several days exploring and just enjoying each other. Played lots of games and enjoyed some hikes and good food. Time was spent well, no doubt about it! 

Take a look. 
We decided to leave on Friday night to meet people for breakfast early saturday morning so we wanted to camp along the way. We looked and looked but every spot was full so we decided to pull off near Mt. Princeton and just slept outside. Thanks to my wonderful husband for that idea, I loved it. The stars were amazing and this was our view when we woke up. 
HAHA does he really enjoy this? I seriously question it...
The first night.
view from the deck 
climbing rocks.

Can you see the house? up at the top of the waterfall 
the boys caught a fish and we ate it!
umm no words 
once again no words
At the waterfall June 2007
at the waterfall July 2012
Best Friends

Boys will be boys
Rainbow near the house
fisherman of a husband

Jared, Andrew and Pula (Brock missing. Him and Jenny left early in the AM)

Alexa, Tracy and Me (Jenny missing)

Me and my main squeeze. Kinda bright
[More on facebook soon]

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Backcountry Camping, Colorado Style

We finally went backcountry camping and it was fun despite the odd weather. It rained nearly the entire time. But it was awesome. We hike 7miles in on Friday. It was beautiful. About an hour after we arrived to the campsite and set up camp, the rain came and it didn't leave us. The campsite was at Thunder Lake in Wild Basin (still apart of RMNP). 

We made delicious food, explored around the lake and slept a lot. On our way out, it poured on us the entire day. Thank goodness we invest in good gear and after the trip, we added a few more camping necessities to the wish list. Nothing tasted as rewarding as that dominos pizza when we got to our warm dry abode. 

[Take a look: Thunder Lake Camping]
drinking water from the stream via filter 

Dave and Carlie Bangs :)
Dave, Kev, Seth
Carlie Bangs
husband and me

It seems like any free time we have we are busy (so is it really free time, I donno? non-work time for sure). This coming weekend is no exception. We are meeting some of Kevins high school friends at our Lake City, CO house!! It's so beautiful down there. We might be hiking a 14er or two. Enjoying good company is definitely on the list.  

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Box Tops

Guess what I just discovered. I can admit, I've known about it my whole life but was too lazy to take advantage of it... BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION.

Recognize these little things. They come on almost everything from cereals to boxes of crackers. I just cut these ones off of the granola bars boxes I had. It was so easy and each one is worth 10 cents! People when you add all those up, thats a lot of money! Someone at the hospital I work at started sending out mass emails to ask people to collect these and she would come get them! So far, we've raised over $800 for Estes Park school. That's money they didn't have before and now that I know how easy it is, I will probably always do it. 

All my teacher friends tell me how broke the school system is with budgeting and that there is never any extra money for school supplies. They are cutting teachers left and right. What a great way to help aid in the budget crisis. 

Plus, I don't have kids but one day I hope that people I know would take advantage of this free money. More money for ours schools means better education, classrooms, supplies and technology for kids everywhere. At least, I would hope. 

Cheers to new discoveries... Spread the word!! It only takes an extra few minutes and if you have kids, make it into a game. If they see a box top, they get to cut it off. So much fun! 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

You could have fooled me

Bag It Trailer from Film Sprout on Vimeo.

But seriously, my parents could have fooled me. Back in the day, my parents tried their best to recycle.
My mom would save plastic containers (she had a lot and since then has purged most of her stash)
and recycle cans and such. As a child who didn’t understand anything except that it wasn’t what all
my friends were doing, it annoyed me to no end. I would actually argue with my parents about the
situation. Fast forward to twenty years later and I am the one reminding my parents to recycle this or
don’t buy that cause it would be wasteful.

I blame a lot of this on my husband and the rest on the knowledge I now possess. I am far more
educated now about the environment and plastics and I actually care. I have grown to love the outdoors
and the wild lands. I feel a certain responsibility to keep it safe.

Honestly, everything I get from the grocery comes in plastic except fresh produce. Milk, Cheese, chips, salad dressings, bread, cookies. I can't imagine going to the grocery and coming home without anything in plastic (I know a lot of places like whole foods and sprouts sell things in bulk but we don't have one of those is Estes). That is a lot of plastic. If you try sitting in your kitchen after a grocery run and taking a look at what you actually purchased, you might notice this too. It’s crazy.

And what is plastic and it’s similar products made from? Petroleum. That’s right, oil. Fossil fuels are such a sacred and depleting resource, it seems just silly to waste it all on useless plastic that we just throw away. Of course some plastics are good and have helped us come a long way such as plastics used for medical situations and even tupperware that we use over and over but it's those one time use plastics that really create an immense amount of waste.

I'm not trying to ridicule but if we could all use one less plastic shopping bag, it could slowly change things. For instance, the other day I went shopping for clothes and instead of having them put it into a bag (for what? so I can carry it to my car and then into my house and into my closet where I would then throw away the bag. silly), I just tell them I can put it in my purse. 

Even if this post gets one person to look at their plastic consumption a little differently,
it’s worth it. Another thing I do is use reusable grocery bags (of some type of canvas normally). I used to feel funny bringing in my own bag but now it makes sense and no one treats me differently. I always keep at least one in my car. We no longer put our produce from the grocery into those plastic bags (unless it’s a super wet lettuce, gross). Its’ great because now, I don’t have to deal with them at home.

I recently became so passionate about plastic (if that is what you call it) because I watched “Bag It”. This is a pretty entertaining and enlightening documentary, created from a guy out of a colorado town, about plastic and our use of the product. I know I know, sounds kinda dry but it's good to know about plastic considering it is in our everyday lives. Very interesting and I learned so much, it made me want to write about it. All I am saying is that you should give it a try. "Bag It"is on Netflix and who doesn’t have  Netflix these days or know someone who does. Above is the trailer. 

In other thoughts, this weekend is our first “backcountry” camping experience. That means we bring a
water filter and drink from streams, eat oatmeal and hike lots of miles but I’ve heard the view is beyond
words. Cannot wait to challenge myself. (Ugh, I wanna back out already). But the good news, lots of
awesome pictures should come out of it!