
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

things I forgot... like Oscar Blues

Have you ever heard of Oscar Blues Brewery? Most likely not but they are historical. Oscar Blues Brewery started in Lyons, Colorado. The most adorable small town just 30 minutes from Estes, in between Estes and Boulder. You might not know but they were the first microbrew to can their beer... and Sun King followed in their footsteps. They have a bar/restaurant and we decided to check it out with my parents. Delicious. Good beer too. It was the Wed before Thanksgiving and they already had their trees lit. Lovely... and Chilly. Below are a few pics from the beginning of my parents arrival and then also Oscar and hiking.

Upon my parents arrival. My Kev made the best date.

Downtown Estes along the river walk.  

with his new GIANT bone!

driving for a hike.. haha Callahan

Free Dog hike


Did I mention we had a crazy windstorm the other day. gusts up and over 100 mph. It ripped so many trees, some big, right out of the earth.

Thanksgiving week. with the rents.

Our Thanksgiving was pretty uneventful this year and for that, I am grateful. Normally we have a huge meal which takes all day and is delicious but seduces me back for seconds and thirds. Not this year. We went to the 10th annual Estes Park Thanksgiving celebration held at a church just around the corner. We walked! Which was awesome and there was no option for seconds. We ate our meal, met people who sat at our table and then went on our way. No clean up. No temptations but also, no leftovers. Who doesn't love Thanksgiving leftovers? No one that I know. We also went on a Tday hike which was lovely. Callahan found a fresh elk spine and wouldn't put it down. Below, we found a bear or elk femur under our house (kinda creepy) and let Cal play with it all day.

Let me start from the beginning. My parents arrived on  Saturday before Tday and it was snowing (a lot!). It was the day of the Chirstmas tree lighting!! We got there just after they lit the tree. It was so pretty and nalstalgic. All my years of life, I have wanted to attend a tree lighting. Something magical about it and this year, I nearly made it! Closer then any other year. My parents brought all the goods they promised and we moved those in stat! Ohh how I love organization. Husband and I worked a full schedule that week so my parents did a lot of hanging out. I have lots of pictures to show for it! Overall, it was a nice week and I am so happy my parents were able to share it with us! They said they wanted to move to Estes.... but I am pretty sure they were trying to scare me.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

way back when, lets say, November 16th

I sit here with a crackling fire and a cup of tea. So pleasant and I can't help but think I am at a good place in my life. Having so much fun with my husband, dog and new friends... a girl couldn't be happier. I swam today. It makes me feel revived and energized. Plus, I feel better about eating dessert. That's a bonus.

I know I have been neglectful for about a week so let me catch everyone up. We will start with two Wednesdays ago. It was a great day. I didn't work and Dan turned 23. He's a young bloke. His wonderful girlfriend, Kristen who I adore, planned a day filled with adventure and let me tell you, it was a success ten-fold.

That magical day I received the iphone so that might have really inflated my day. It's a likely factor. Anyways, Kristen drove us to Fort Collins (about an hour into the valley) for the New Belgium brewing company tour! Stop number 1. Words cannot express how impressive this entity is... amazing. They started in a basement like all companies do but they were smart. The founders had passion for good beer, friends and the environment. This brewery is employee owned and they use wind power for their whole system. They have a slide in their building and once you have worked there for a year, you get free stock, 5 years and you get a free trip to europe. Talk about treating their employees right, take that Walmart! I want to work there!! They recycle and support biking. 

Have you ever heard of fat tire? This is them. My favorites are Fat Tire, Abbey, Ranger, Belgo! Delicious! Here are some pictures from the tour! And I had some awesome ones but they got lost. Don't ask me how. There is no explanation for it. 

Birthday boy and Kristen!

Our guide. Jessica. She provided us with beer at every turn.

the slide I was describing. 

Isn't this lovely. Made with things that make up their company...junk

In the bathroom stalls, inspiring words. 

Their motto.
Stop number 2. From there, we drove a few short blocks to Fish restaurant. It was fresh. They have lots of good fish and some of it, they keep in tanks and pull them out right when you order. We had a table full of wine, shrimp and desserts. It was a blast. Oh, and I ate an oyster. I the only thing I remember is sand. The rest, I blocked from my memory. yuck!

Stop number 3. It's hard to believe that our night kept going but it did. Kristen drove us down to Denver to see a Warren Miller film called there's no tomorrow. Warren Miller is famous for making awesome ski movies. The theater was packed. If you ever get a chance, go see one of his movies! It is totally worth it and you might get inspired! 

We are loving it out here! Come visit!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day of Grateful thoughts..

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you out there. I hope your day is filed with thanks and purpose. My parents are in town and I think we might go for a hike and eat soup this evening. No big meal this year which is okay with me. If we had to cook an entire Thanksgiving meal in our tiny kitchen, we might all go crazy.
I miss all our friends and family, especially my grandma!

let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.  -marcel proust 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Have I mentioned the rents are driving here for Thanksgiving!

So my parents are coming for a visit. I am beyond excited! Not only will they be here for the Estes Park Tree Lighting and Thanksgiving but they are bringing some of our stuff! Such as... a real desk for our computer that has been passed down through generations and a dresser! Let me just show you how things used to be so you get a feel for the excitement we both have!

how happy are these parents? smiles all around.

Today, as I am blogging, the Mr. is puzzling.

This is the old computer desk. gave us lots of achey backs leaning down so far

the most embarrassing picture yet. this is our "dresser". Normally, it's more organized, I promise! 
The fire is going awaiting their arrival. I just can't wait! We can have hot chocolate and wine (not together), do puzzles and play games. No doubt we will go to our favorite Thai restaurant and the hubs will make lots of pizza. Maybe I can even convince my mom to go see Breaking Dawn with me! Fingers are crossed folks. I will keep you posted!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rock Inn with Seth and Kev

I am backtracking now. If you remember, Seth was here for a visit. I had to work last Friday but Seth and Kev got to play in Jurassic park and took fun pictures. Afterwards, I was off work so naturally, we went out to eat at our fav restaurant! and then off to the Rock with a detour to the Wheel Bar. It was a lot of fun. As always. Seth left early Saturday morning after some strawberry crepes. Yum. I love the art of crepe(ing).

Stopping at the Wheel before the Rock Inn

Can you see it? The Bulls-eye? I did that!

Kristen, Lisa and Cami

Rock Inn


deer in headlights

caught him yawning? on our way home.
 In other news, I took the funniest video of Callahan and deer. They almost attacked him! Also, we had a stampede of about 100 Elk walk through our yard. It was loud and amazing. Bare with me, my videography skills aren't up to par but I wanted to share. Don't elks make the coolest sound?

Attention Attention!!

Some of you may find this hard to believe but my days with a flip phone are over! Ahh I know, it's so exciting! My iphone arrived yesterday via FedEx right before we left for Ft. Collins. I was able to take it with me and play all night on it. The phone is just so lovely and enjoyable.

Here is the moment when I opened it. I nearly cried, not just for the iphone but I have been without a phone for almost two weeks. It humbles you. I had to plan in advance to meet Kev in town or at work. So thankful for such a fun accessory and for my job so I can afford it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The best man comes for a visit!

Do you all remember who the best man was? and still is? Seth Carlberg who only made the greatest best man speech ever known. Did anyone video that? Everyone tells us it was amazing but I hardly remember it. Anyways, Seth is taking a seasonal position out at Beaver Creek Ski Resort for the winter and on his way, he decided to bless us with his presence for a few days. That Seth has sure done a lot of growing up!

He got here on Monday and the fun hasn't stopped since! On wednesday, Kev had to work so I decided to show Seth a little of what the beautiful rockies has to offer. We went into the park, to Bear lake area. It is a simple, easy trail but it's beauty gets better and better as you keep hiking. Both of us had never hiked in that much snow before and we hardly saw anyone on the trail. Oddly enough, we didn't even see wildlife. Seth had his camera and we snapped some pictures as we went.  It was a good two hour workout and well worth it!

Dream lake was frozen. Actually, all the lakes were frozen. 

ahhh ha moment. the best lake. 

After the hike, we did a few errands and met some YMCA people to boulder. Once the sun went down, it was way chilly and slightly impossible to climb. Here are a few pics from the evening.

Kevin rocking it.

Have I ever mentioned how proud and amazed I am of the husband. He does crazy things but he has a passion for it! And he does his best. He hasn't been bouldering too long and already, he is doing some of the hardest problems. How can he have so much drive and still be so loving, I just don't know. An inspiration to us all. Love you babe. keep climbing, safely.

Tonight is Trivia night. Hopefully it's a big turnout!