
Monday, February 27, 2012

Did she now?

I know my last post was about complaining. Seriously, I apologize but sometimes you just gotta get stuff off your chest. This post is much more positive. I like my posts to be positive and honest.

Also found on here. Aren't these words so inspiring. I discovered this website from my best friend over at Deertale. I occasionally look at it and when I do, I just cannot get enough. I am a big believer in Karma and the golden rule. Be good to yourself and to others, enjoy life and life will treat you well. Granted, nothing is perfect but if you have the mindset, there is nothing to difficult too overcome. I have been blessed throughout my life with wonderful parents and a stable home. I am surrounded by loving and supportive friends and family so maybe I am biased. Spoiled. I donno but I totally enjoy life, the good and the bad. I pray that God doesn't take me before I am ready but please know that I love life and it always loves me back. 

Maybe this is a good challenge for a Monday. Love life all week, the good and the bad. Then see what goodness will come your way. Life is all about how we use it and appreciate it. 

So here is to Mondays. Lucky to have a good, enjoyable weekend. Able to do what you choose and being blessed to have a job so that you can have fun weekends and surround yourself with wonderful people. Cheers to that folks! 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Movie time...

I cannot stop blogging today. I just happened to get on my mac and access Front Row. I love this application. All movie trailers from like the past year to next year. I just found a few I had to share. So excited to rent these. Maybe see some in our super small and very particular, overpriced movie theater here in Estes!! YAY.

[The Lucky One]
I know, I know. Zac Efron is kinda scary at times but I think he might be growing in his acting abilities a little. Plus, this is a Nicholas Sparks movie and it looks amazing. So excited! Classic Romantic movie.

[The Five Year Engagement]
This movie looks like the classical Romantic Comedy. I love both of these actors. They are hilarious. 

[The Hobbit]
Who doesn't love the Lord of the Rings Trilogy? Love it! This movie looks confusing but I am sure I will love it. It sounds like a good reason to re-watch all the Lord of the Rings. 

[The Odd Life of Timothy Green]
I love Jennifer! This movie looks totally different but in a good way. I want to know where this kid came from the and the backbone to this movie. What's going on? Interesting. 

Cheers to some exciting movies making it our way! 

ugh night shift

Last night I worked a night shift and it really did me over. Today I got off work almost 2 hours late, slept for 2 hours and then had to be up again. I finally got home and slept for another 2 hours but OMG, I appreciate my sleep. 

Do you ever get those days where you just think there is not enough sleep in the world to fulfill your tiredness? I am sure new moms- take that back- all moms feel that way when they have a house full of kiddos. Maybe this job is just prepping me for those situations where I will only get  3 hours of sleep in a night and still have to function. I guess for that I am grateful but seriously, give me a break life!! Tomorrow I want to sleep in. Can I just sleep all day? Please.

I found these inspiring words here. And this is correct people, if and when I get good sleep, there is nothing I cannot do. Maybe not move mountains but definitely climb them. Looking forward to summertime. Today, at 5:45 pm, it isn't pitch dark. What a blessed gift!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Shabby boarding

As you all have heard, the husband has this little gig with Maui Jims. He travels to different ski resorts promoting their awesome glasses. Yesterday he had a gig, just for one day and of course, I couldn't let him go without me by his side. That means he would have to drive 6 hours alone, get free drinks all to himself and snowboard all day by his lonesome.

I am so happy I was able to go with. It was the best day ever on the slopes. This was my first time at Vail and I think I might be in love. The mountain was awesome. We had powder and I perfected my snowboarding skills. I only fell twice, went through some trees (and got stuck, had to walk myself out of that one) and even attempted little jumps. We both agreed it was the best day of boarding. We topped it off with Pizza and then off to the Mardi Gras parade that Kevin was working. It was hilarious. He had to dress up as Jimmy the Parrot and take a million pictures with tourists, what a trooper. Not to mention, Epic Mix booth was right next to us. Our pictures were a little excessive to say the least. We had Callahan with us since we were gone almost 17 hours. He hung out in the car for the first half but then was out with us, celebrating Fat Tuesday. He was the biggest hit of all! Everyone wanted picture after picture! He might even end up in a Colorado Ski magazine. Here are some pictures from yesterday. Hope your fat Tuesday was just as delightful and inspiring as ours!

Also- an FYI. I signed up for a referral program via Shabby Apple. They sell the cutest clothes, skirts, etc.

If you click on this link below and purchase something, I get a great discount and you, my friends, get 15% off! Isn't that awesome! And then you can do the same and it can become a train of discounts. Ohh the bliss. So purchase away, my friends! Surely there are baby showers, wedding events, hot dates and beaches that need attending. Why not do it in style. Did I mention, they have kids wear too! They even have aprons.  Shabby Apple discount- click me

Outside of Boulder, on our way to the mountain at sunrise. It's my favorite picture thus far. 
Proof that I was on the mountain. My husband scored me these awesome ZEAL goggles. They are top of the line, polarized and everything. Working for Maui Jims has some great rewards like free everything! 
We were party animals 
parade through Vail village
seriously, the cutest.
we found his twin sister!

Also, there are some pretty hilarious pictures of Kevin in his parrot suit on the EpicMix website. 
Click here and here for some funny pics.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Yes, Please

Remember when Kev was a snowboard bum in Breckenridge for the season. This is our first reuniting upon his return.  I missed that man. Such love I have for him.
What we really should take away from Valentines Day is love for ourselves. Not the selfish, know it all, I am better than everyone love because lets be honest, that kind of admiration doesn't work for anyone. I am talking about self respect. I can't tell you how many ladies I have met over my years who didn't love themselves. How can someone else love you if you are unhappy with yourself. That is my challenege for all my friends who glance at this page. Today, don't think about how single you are, what you did or didn't do in your last relationship, how you don't add up. Let me tell you something because I know all my readers (my dearest friends and family), you all add up. You are all fabulous people and there is no need to dwell on imperfections or missed love. No apologies for being yourself. 

This is a working goal for me. I like myself a lot but sometimes, I beat myself up over nothing. Thank you society for sometimes convincing me that I am not perfect and that there is a standard, because I know there isn't. I know my imperfections make me perfect and thankfully, I married a man who feels the same. 

Now a little love for Pula. My Pula. Marrying this man has been the best decision I ever made. Marriage has been a blessing as I hope it is for everyone. I admire this man with all my heart and he teaches me more about myself and love everyday. He challenges me to be better and love myself more. He's the best. He encourages me to do what I love and never stop. 

Most days, I love to bake! It's therapeutic and the end results is always delicious. Being it's Valentines day, I had to share my newest love. 

Chocolate Chip muffins. The only reason I decided to try this recipe; I was thrifting the other day in Estes and discovered a muffin top man. Okay, so I didn't actually know what it was but I asked and boy, I am so happy I asked. You know those super cute little "muffin tops" at Panera. That is what I am talking about! Kevin was out of town this entire weekend (more awesomeness on that later). I took it upon myself to bake him something sweet.

Found this recipe on The Curvy Carrot. So sorry, I didn't even take pictures of them. We ate the treats too fast but they do make the perfect breakfast-on-the-run snack. And people, these are the best choc. chip muffins I have ever eaten. 

Chocolate Chip Muffins
1 and 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2/3 cup granulated sugar
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 large egg
1 cup sour cream
5 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (I used mini-chocolate chips) 
1.  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2.  Line one cupcake pan with liners, set aside.
3. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
4.  In another large bowl, combine the egg, sour cream, melted butter, and vanilla extract, mixing well.
5.  Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and stir with a rubber spatula until just combined.
6. Gently add in the chocolate chips until thoroughly combined.
7. Evenly divide the batter among the prepared cupcake liners (I use a large ice cream scoop for this) so that the liners are about 3/4-full.
8.  Bake until a tester inserted into the center of the muffins comes out clean, about 14-18 minutes.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Talk about the coolest places I have ever been. Annapolis is up there only because they still have cobblestone roads and beautiful, historic houses. We spend a lovely afternoon in Annapolis where we enjoyed Crepes and a good little walk. We also went to downtown Baltimore and spent most of our time in the Barnes and Nobles due to the chilly winds. I think I prefer Annapolis over Baltimore for sure. Also, below are some pictures of our adorable nephew, Henry! We were finally able to meet the little man and he was worth the wait. So precious.


 [Baltimore and the other Pulas]

Kyle, Melissa and Henry
hah Dragon paddle boats
hello Husband.
Baltimore- Chesapeake Bay, do you see the water taxi sign? How fun!

look at that smile.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Washington DC

As most of you know, the Husband and I recently took a trip to the east coast! Mainly Odenton (a small town outside of Baltimore) but we also visited DC and Annapolis. It was heavenly. To get out of our cold mountain home and into the city was just what we needed. Not to mention, it reached 70 degrees more than one day when we were there!! Take a look. I will start with Washington DC.

[the district]
We went into several museums and had a tour of the library of congress which was cool as well as the Capital building.  I was hoping to see Taza from Rockstar diaries at every corner. Kevin took every opportunity to make fun of me for that one. All in all, it was fun. We even went to Georgetown and made a few purchases. I loved using the Metro and Marc. I wish we had public transit. 

tour of the capital building.

I love these flowers. Botanical gardens. 

bahahaha hairy cactus
Occupy Washington 
Just a little stroll through historical Georgetown with cupcakes!
Windy day in front of the Capital 

Library of Congress: so beautiful and historic.