
Saturday, November 10, 2012


A few weekends ago we went down to Ft. Collins for a showing of a snowboarding movie. It's one of those "big deal, awesome people are in it, lots of cool stuff given away" movies. Do you remember the old school ski videos where they jumped off rocks. I remember my parents would get them and we would just sit down in the basement and watch them with amazement. Well, things have come a long way.

Jeremy Jones, creator of JONES snowbaords, made a movie. He's actually made two so far and I believe the third one is probably already in the works. These movies are awesome, especially for us rural mountain folk who actually board backcountry and use split boards (I really want one. HintHint parents).His first movie was Deeper, second is Further. 

I just had to share the trailer. I want people to get it. To understand why we do what we do and why we are so in love with snow and mountains. Anyways, it's an awesome little trailer none the less, whether you snowboard or not. Check it out!

He also started this cool nonprofit called Protect our Winters (POW). "We represent the global snow sports community – there are 21 million of us in the US alone. Clearly, it’s time for us all to step up and take responsibility to save a season that fuels our passions but is also the foundation for our livelihoods, our jobs and the economic vitality of our mountain regions."


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