
Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Do you ever dream of things you can do... like big life changing, career changing things? I do all the time. Not because I don't love my job because i totally do but what about everything else? There are a million things I would be happy doing. Just a few like:

  • opening the pula pizzeria, kinda like a napolese with delicious options and fresh ingredients
  • starting a farm and growing all our own food and then turning around and using that in our restaurant
  • helping inner city kids succeed and get out of the trap that our society has forced them into
  • sew a million different things and sell them (pay off all my school debt with that one for sure)
  • go back to school and challenge myself... to be someone so great and knowledgable
  • getting a new little puppy with the puppy spots on its belly

starting a little family while we work the farm and i go back to school...are all those things possible at once? I strongly doubt it. More than anything I want little Pulas running around, causing chaos and joy everywhere they turn. Doesn't that sound like fun!

This past Sunday I went to The Tallest Man on Earth live taping of a radio show (I didn't know it till i got there but it was cool. It's called e-town and they have podcasts and play on NPR a lot) and it was awesome. He has such a unique voice and he is the shortest, skinniest man i think I have ever seen. But his voice live, when people are silent just watching and listening, is so moving... It's incredible. Husband was out of town this past weekend so he couldn't make it but I went with some of our friends! SO MUCH FUN!!! I will leave you with one of his songs. As for me, I will probably all be a dreamer and in due time, try all these little dreams out one way or another. 

1 comment:

  1. Meg my buddy just moved here from Denver and told me to listen to Tallest Man on Earth. I was skeptical at first, but now I'm on board.
