
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Box Tops

Guess what I just discovered. I can admit, I've known about it my whole life but was too lazy to take advantage of it... BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION.

Recognize these little things. They come on almost everything from cereals to boxes of crackers. I just cut these ones off of the granola bars boxes I had. It was so easy and each one is worth 10 cents! People when you add all those up, thats a lot of money! Someone at the hospital I work at started sending out mass emails to ask people to collect these and she would come get them! So far, we've raised over $800 for Estes Park school. That's money they didn't have before and now that I know how easy it is, I will probably always do it. 

All my teacher friends tell me how broke the school system is with budgeting and that there is never any extra money for school supplies. They are cutting teachers left and right. What a great way to help aid in the budget crisis. 

Plus, I don't have kids but one day I hope that people I know would take advantage of this free money. More money for ours schools means better education, classrooms, supplies and technology for kids everywhere. At least, I would hope. 

Cheers to new discoveries... Spread the word!! It only takes an extra few minutes and if you have kids, make it into a game. If they see a box top, they get to cut it off. So much fun! 

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