
Monday, September 26, 2011

Sunday Drivers with our PB & Js

I think Kevin and I have started a new tradition. Sunday Drives. Since I work all the time, including the weekends, we have little time to enjoy each other. Considering the season, Elk mating season, we decided to go on a drive into the national park (only short 10 minutes from our house) and search out Elk. This isn't difficult. There are elk in town, everywhere!! They cross the street without a care in the world and rest in local yards daily. But we wanted to see them with their huge herds.

Let me explain. When it gets around this time of year and the mountains start to get colder, the Elk move down to warmer ground (otherwise known as town). The males with the largest rack have the largest herd of female elk. He tries to mate with all of them. If we go up into the park, there are huge elk with sometimes 30 females with them. But that isn't even the fun part. Sometimes, younger males with smaller racks try to sneak up on the larger male and it is hilarious. The big elk chase after them and make all these crazy noises. It's facinating to watch. But we still haven't seen them fight, rack to rack. That is what I am hoping for.

And really, I kinda feel like a tourist. People bring chairs and sit outside their cars just waiting for the Elk to come out (dawn or dusk is the best time for them to be in the open). On Sundays, we sit and watch. This picture was taken right before we left to go home. It was too dark. But the mountains and sunsets are just lovely.

I am so happy the husband doesn't think I'm crazy and goes along with my ridiculous ideas. I kinda feel like an old woman wanted to go watch the elk but it's so fun. And kev can make the best Elk call, which makes me laugh every time. 


  1. copy cat! , but im glad your blogging.

  2. hah sara like i remember all your blog posts. it's way fun.
