
Sunday, June 9, 2013

This one time on Easter...

Easter was awesome! I'm late with this little post but what can I say, I'm busy and not very motivated to update this small corner of the world wide web. Easter in the mountains. Snow was still everywhere (actually, our snowiest month was April with 15 inches May 1st) and the mountains were calling us. So we went.

We spent it with dear friends. Snowshoed and skied/ boarded. It always amazes me to be out in Gods great creation. What a lovely universe we have so treat it with care because some of us like to play amongst it! Cheers!

Do you see two dots to the left of the big rock on the right. The boys made their way up that couloir to snowboard down it. 

A pretty cool story I came across and had to share! It's about a 102 year old woman celebrating her awesome birthday. Why don't I do cool things like this? 

I can't upload it correctly but here's a link to the short video.

Happy Sunday!